Sunday, October 13, 2013

Vegeria: A Mexican-Food Lover's Paradise (And it's Completely Vegan!)

Ok, so I've already written a review on this lovely little spot for the SA Current. You can check it out here:…

However, I went back a second time and, hooray for me, the vegan tamales were in stock. Now, having been born and raised in good ol' SA there is one thing I'm completely gaga for: tamales. I can eat a whole dozen in one sitting if I'm not careful, they're just so good!

(By the way, I didn't take these photos. They come from Vegeria's website and if you think these look good, wait till you see all the one's they have on their homepage!)

Anyway, these tamales are fabulous. Fabulous as in I unabashedly inhaled both within a span of thirty seconds, not even caring that I was getting masa in my hair. When a tamale makes you forget to hold up to social- not even social, HUMAN- expectations,  THAT, my friends, is a good tamale.

Also, if they have fudge up for grabs get as much as you can possibly afford. The sunbutter (peanut butter made with sunflower seeds for those with nut allergies) fudge might be the best thing I've ever tasted in my entire life!

You can check out the menu here:

I Have A Dream

... And that dream is to spread the good word of vegetarianism through this blog. For those of you who already lead a flesh-free lifestyle, I want to serve as a go-to guide for dining in San Antonio, aka Taco City. If you're thinking of making the jump or just want to find out a little more about what it means to be a vegetarian, I'm here to help you too! This blog will contain a little of everything: restaurant and book reviews, rants and rambles, and recipes. There will probably be cat pictures, 90's nostalgia, and music mentions as well... You'll find out more about me as we go along. Now enough lollygagging; let's get this thing started! In the words of the infamous Julia Child, "Bon Appetit!"